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Foresight Group

Foresight Group is a listed infrastructure and private equity investment manager. The Group operates in seven countries across Europe and Australia with its principal office in London. Foresight manages assets of over £12.3bn across 44 funds on behalf of institutional and retail investors. The private equity division specialises in supporting SMEs with investments typically between £1 and 5m.

Key information

Grow Scale
Services provided:
Finance provider
  • VC investment
  • UK-wide
Legal name:
Foresight Group LLP


Foresight’s regional private equity strategy is focused on supporting underserved markets across the UK and enabling financial inclusion. The team works with SMEs to place sustainable principles at the heart of their business, differentiating them from competitors whilst delivering outcome focused improvements with a positive impact on society and the environment. Foresight’s regional funds have created over 2,000 high-quality sustainable jobs and c. 17% of its portfolio companies are female founded, with less than 5% of opportunities Foresight receives each year being female founded. Foresight engages in hundreds of marketing meetings across the UK to source the best opportunities, whilst helping to connect companies with more suitable sources of finance or regional support, where appropriate. Beyond being a signatory to the Investing in Women Code, Foresight is also a signatory of HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, pledging support for gender balance across financial services and a supporter of Playfair Capital’s events.

Get in touch

Please contact us through the link below to explore opportunities or simply find out more. Even if you are not located in one of our regions we are still able to work with you, so please do get in touch.