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Women in Rural Enterprise

WiRE membership is diverse and varied, including businesses that are just starting and others growing and employing people. WiRE businesses offer a multitude of products and services and they operate from the remotest rural locations and the busiest market towns – everybody is welcome.

Key information

Start Grow
Services provided:
  • UK-wide
Legal name:
Harper Adams University Ltd


WiRE membership will include:

  • Listing in our “search optimised” online Marketplace
  • In some areas there are WiRE Networking groups, that you can attend. Where there are no groups, we can offer support and help on establishing a WiRE networking group.
  • Promotional and marketing opportunities
  • Professional services from partners who understand small businesses
  • Being part of the vibrant and varied WiRE community
  • Raising the profile of all women in business nationally
  • Regular WiREMail e-newsletter sharing news, information, events, offers and advice
  • WiRE Members can submit their news, articles, successes and events.

Get in touch

For general enquiries, please contact us on our website: