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Angel Academe

Angel Academe is the UK's most active and longest-established female-focused angel network. Members of the network invest in ambitious and highly scalable technology businesses with at least 1 woman on the founding team.

Key information

Start Grow
Services provided:
Finance provider
  • Angel investment
  • UK-wide
Legal name:
Angel Academe Ltd


Angel Academe has backed 48+ businesses since 2014, helping them raise over £150m from angels, VCs and family offices to continue to grow their technology businesses. As the UK’s most active female-focussed network, 70% of the network’s investors are women – a mix of entrepreneurs, senior leaders and people enjoying portfolio careers.

Angel Academe portfolio companies not only benefit from access to smart, engaged, diverse capital, but also timely introductions, industry-specific expertise and a vibrant community of founders and funders.

Get in touch

The best way to apply to pitch the network is through the link below - no intro needed!